The Institution of Chartered Accountants (ICAI) has implemented the CA New Scheme and CA New Course from July 1, 2023.
The Institution of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) recently introduced the CA New Scheme of Education and Training 2023, which was announced in the Indian Gazette on June 22nd, 2023 and would be implemented on July 1st, 2023. Significant changes will be made to the CA Course curriculum and practical training duration.
ICAI has announced the last date for conversion from the old syllabus to the new syllabus for the coming 2024 examinations.

To read the official notification, click here.
The ICAI’s recent notification gives Relaxation to Old Course Students to commence 3 years of Practical Training –
(i) who have passed one of the groups of Intermediate Examination under Old Scheme.
(ii) who have registered / provisionally registered in Intermediate through Direct Entry Route under Old Scheme.
(iii) who have converted from Intermediate (Foundation/CPT Route) to Intermediate (Direct Entry Scheme) for appearing in November 2023 Examination.

In exercise of the powers conferred under Regulation 205 of the Chartered Accountants Regulations, 1988, and to remove the hardship caused to the students on account of the implementation of the New Scheme of Education and Training, including the Conversion (Transition) Scheme, the Council hereby order that –
Students who have cleared either of the groups of Intermediate Examination under the Old Scheme of Education and Training be allowed to opt for 3 years of Practical Training latest by 30th September 2023 and may submit the Article Registration Form within 30 days’ time only and no form would be accepted, thereafter, even with condonation fees.
Intermediate Direct Entry Students who have registered / provisionally registered in the Intermediate Course under Old Scheme, on submission of satisfactory proof of having passed the graduation examination with the minimum marks as provided in sub-regulation (4) of Regulation 28F and on successful completion of ICITSS Course as provided in Regulation 51 (D), may commence their 3 years of Practical Training latest by 30th September 2023 and may submit the Article Registration Form within 30 days’ time only. No form would be accepted thereafter, even with condonation fees.
Such students who originally registered for Intermediate or its equivalent Course through CPT/Foundation Route and appeared in Intermediate or its equivalent Examination(s) but were unable to pass the said examination(s) and later on after graduation shifted to Direct Entry Scheme be exempt for the eligibility criteria of completion of 9 months of Practical Training for appearing in November 2023 Intermediate Examinations but have to commence their 3 years of Practical Training, if interested, by 30th September 2023 and may submit the Article Registration Form within 30 days’ time only and no form would be accepted, thereafter, even with condonation fees.
The above relaxations on account of the requirement of Regulations 45 & 50 in the New Scheme of Education and Training be given as a one-time measure only.
The ICAI has introduced the CA New scheme for the 2023 exams onwards. Check all the details in our detailed blog.
Conversion from CA Final Old Syllabus to New Syllabus
ICAI in the beginning has given the option to the students to convert from the old to the new scheme. Then, ICAI released the cut-off date, so now it is mandatory for CA Final old scheme students to convert to the revised scheme. The last date for conversion from CA Final Old syllabus to New for May 2022 exams was 13th March 2022. To convert, students have to fill out the conversion form at the SSP portal and pay the charges i.e., 1000 or $50.
Now, ICAI has notified that the old scheme students will be automatically converted from the old scheme to the revised scheme.
Normal Route Students
Case 1 – Students who are registered with the Old Course and eligible to appear in the Examination or appeared but couldn’t be passed any group yet
As ICAI has released the last date to convert from CA Old syllabus to the new syllabus, students have to do the conversion, if they want to sit in the May 2022 exams. Students have to pay the conversion fees of Rs. 1000/- (US$50).
On completion of such conversion ICAI will dispatch the study material to the students free of cost although students will have to bear the transportation fees.
Check the full CA Course fees in India and other important details about the fees.
Case 2 – Old Course Registered Students and Passed Group -1
Old Registered students who have cleared Group- 1 with the old course and now want to switch over the Revised Scheme have to undergo ICITSS (ITT)/ ICITSS (OC)/ ICITSS (ITT and OC) under the new scheme if they haven’t undergone into the old scheme and thereafter they can commence Practical Training.
Conversion is completely optional up to May 2019, but now it is compulsory if you want to sit in May 2022 exams. They can switch to the Revised Scheme by making the payment of Conversion charges of Rs 1000/- (US$50). Thereafter ICAI will dispatch the study material to the students free of cost but only transportation charges will have to be borne by the students themselves.
Must Check: Complete CA Syllabus of the New Scheme.
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Case 3 – Old Registered Students Passed Group – 1 and Commenced Practical Training
Old registered students who have passed Group 1 and also commenced their practical training can continue there practical training and appear in the number of attempts available for Group 2 with the Old Course.
Or they can switch to the Revised course by making the payment of conversion charges of Rs 1000/- (US$50). The study material will be dispatch by the ICAI free of cost and only transportation cost will be born by the students.
Case 4 – Old Registered Students passed Group – 2
The students who are registered with the old course to the ICAI can appear in the first group with the old syllabus till May 2019 and thereafter they have to mandatorily switch over the New scheme.
For now, this is completely optional whether they want to convert into the revised scheme or not. After switching over the revised scheme they have to undergo ICITSS (ITT)/ ICITSS (OC), ICITSS (ITT and OC) if they have not undergone through them in old course.
They can switch over the new scheme by making the payment of conversion charges of Rs 1000/- (US$50) and thereafter ICAI will dispatch the study material which is free of cost, you just need to pay the shipping charges.
Direct Entry Route
Students without passing the entrance test conducted by the ICAI can also be registered with CA Intermediate/IPCC through the direct entry scheme under two options – either they should be a graduate or postgraduate scoring the minimum percentage requirement or they have passed the Intermediate level of ICSI or ICWA.
Conversion from CA IPCC (Old Course)to CA Intermediate (New Course):
These students can also switch over the Revised scheme as mentioned below –
Case 1 – Old Registered students who are eligible to appear in the IPC Exam or have appeared but have not passed any group yet.
These students who are provisionally registered with the ICAI before 1st July 2017 and submitted their mark sheet or mark statement after 1st July will be deemed to be registered under the old scheme.
Such students can either appear in the available number of old attempts but now they have to convert with the new scheme after the payment of conversion charges of Rs.1000/- (US$50).
Thereafter the study material will be dispatched by the ICAI free of cost on which the students need to be born the transportation cost.
Case 2 Already registered Students and passed either Group 1 or Group 2
These students can appear in the IPC examination with the old course up to the number of attempts available with the old course or they can switch over to the new scheme. As the attempts for the old course are over, they must convert from the old course to the new course by making the payment of conversion charges of Rs 1000/- or US$50.
Thereafter the ICAI will dispatch the study material free of cost to the students for which the shipping charges will have to be borne by the students.
FAQs about Conversion from Old to New Syllabus
Ques 1. What is the latest notification from ICAI say about the conversion procedure?
Ans. In the latest notification, ICAI notified that all the old scheme students are automatically converted to the revised scheme of education and training.
Ques 2. What is the last date for the conversion from the CA Final Old scheme to the New scheme for Nov 2022?
Ans. The cut-off date to convert from the CA Final old to the new syllabus was March 13, 2022, for Nov 2022 exams.
Ques 3. What is the fee to convert from the CA Old syllabus to the New syllabus?
Ans. Students have to make the payment of Rs. 1000 or $50 to complete the conversion procedure.
Ques 4. What is the last attempt of the CA Final and CA Intermediate old syllabus?
Ans. According to ICAI notification, December 2021 exams were the last attempts for the CA Final and Intermediate old students.